Bush stumps for hydrogen on Earth Day

For Earth Day, President Bush visited a California hydrogen fuel-cell project, decrying the danger posed to the planet by … high gas prices. Predicting a “tough summer” and calling the scourge at the pump “a serious problem we’ve got to do something about,” he pledged immediate action. And by immediate action, he meant immediately talking about running cars on hydrogen fuel cells, a technology most analysts say won’t be ready for widespread use for another two or three decades. (Californian consumers currently driving hydrogen cars: one. Cost: $1 million.) “I strongly believe hydrogen is the fuel of the future,” said Bush — and really, why bother with the present when you’ve got the future totally handled? Responding to Bush’s speech, Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) proposed more aggressive measures like raising vehicle fuel-economy standards to 40 mpg, which isn’t very futuristic at all.