Another wind-power project proposed for Massachusetts waters

Wind-power developers can’t get enough of Massachusetts, it seems. Nantucket Sound has the contentious Cape Wind project; now a new wind farm is being proposed for nearby Buzzards Bay. The South Coast Offshore Wind project would consist of three clusters of 30 to 40 turbines each, up to 450 feet high, from two to four miles offshore. It could generate half of Cape Cod’s electricity, according to project contractor Jay M. Cashman. The project, which would not be complete for at least five years, will have to overcome a variety of safety and environmental obstacles. Buzzards Bay is only eight miles wide on average and annually attracts thousands of recreational boats as well as oil tankers and fuel barges. It is also home to 2,400 endangered roseate terns. But it’s not in view of one of the priciest vacation communities in the U.S.! A spokesflack for Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R), who opposes Cape Wind, said South Coast Offshore Wind was “an intriguing idea and we’re anxious to learn more about it.”