Finding stories about local and sustainable food in Minnesota has been easy and enjoyable. But as another foot of snow drops on this very cold state (and so many episodes have already been done about root vegetables and meat), I have begun to stretch for ideas of other winter foods. I’ve often thought that there is nothing growing in this frozen tundra. But there’s always an obscure mushroom laying dormant out in the woods, waiting to be broken from its home on a birch tree, ground up into a powder, and made into an earthy and healthy tea. That is the case with Chaga. More unique than eating squirrel or pickling fish, when consuming a black-hunk-of-what-resembles-petrified-wood, you have to have faith in your guide. Mine happened to be the very knowledgeable Ron Spinosa of the Minnesota Mycological Society. Before I explain any more, join me for a walk through the woods and a taste of some very wild tea.