We have great hopes for Desk Beers, a new London-based startup whose mission is to deliver good, local beer to offices on Fridays. “Why drink something that gets shipped round the world to get to you, when the best is right here?” Desk Beers asks. Good question! Here are some other points in favor of this idea:

  • “We only bring you proper beers.”
  • “Everyone gets the same beer.”
  • “We will aim to get it to you no later than 5 p.m. No one should have to wait that late for a beer.”

Also, we like their attitude. Customers aren’t allowed to be picky — “You’ll get what you’re given, but it’ll be top notch,” says Desk Beers — but are encouraged to “be lazy.” You know you’re not working that last hour on Friday, anyway. This way you’re stuck with an affordable, delicious, local beer, instead of a $3 can of PBR at the crappy bar around the corner.