Climate in the Time of Coronavirus

Grist is all about climate and environment, but for the moment, there’s a new most-pressing issue gripping the world: the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The way that humanity tackles this pandemic parallels how it might fight warming — there are stories of government preparedness, individual action, and transformative change. Grist is still all about climate and environment; today we are looking at them through a new, profound lens.
In This Series
When coronavirus cancels the school year, a father seeks some outside perspective
When you have to stay away from other humans, it’s a good time to get to know your non-human neighbors.
Farmworkers are risking their lives to feed a nation on lockdown
Farmworkers are risking their lives to feed a nation on lockdown.
A mom’s coronavirus coping strategy: Use your anger, mind your actions
Fixating on our environmental shortcomings can feel ridiculous in this pandemic. But our actions aren’t insignificant.
The 2020 census can help us fight climate change — if coronavirus doesn’t get in the way
A flawed census count would have ripple effects on environmental justice and plans to tackle climate change.
How vulnerable is your community to coronavirus? These new maps reveal a familiar pattern.
"Our most heavily weighted and frequent determining risk factor was air quality."
Amazon climate strikers demand stronger coronavirus protections for warehouse workers
This isn’t the first time Amazon's response to a global crisis has been criticized by its employees.
Coronavirus postpones crucial U.N. climate conference
The conference will be held instead in 2021.
How the oil price collapse could reduce methane emissions — or make them much worse
“What is coming out of these flares is toxic: It's harmful to people, it's harmful to local air quality, and it's harmful to the climate."
Waking up on another planet: A global pandemic and a mother’s death
Learning to live with grief during a lockdown.