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  • Quit arguing with douchebags that everyone hates, part two

    Following up a bit on my previous post, let’s make some more specific points. Point number one: Newt Gingrich is a douchebag and everyone hates him. Few figures in American politics (beyond Dick Cheney) are as discredited and unpopular as the bilious windbag Newt, whose renewed prominence as an “intellectual” on the right side of […]

  • Quit arguing with douchebags that everyone hates

    Catching up with email and blog posts I missed while on vacation for a few weeks has been instructive. It appears to me, from this fresh perspective, that progressive bloggers, journalists, and activists are wasting a lot of their time. To understand why, we need to be clear on the current landscape. Right now, Republicans […]

  • GOP leader: the idea that CO2 is harmful to environment is “almost comical”

    Here’s Rep. John Boehner, the Republican leader in the House, talking to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos today: “George, the idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that is harmful to our environment is almost comical. Every time we exhale, we exhale carbon dioxide. Every cow in the world, you know, when they do what they do, […]

  • Myth: Democrats support good climate policy and Republicans oppose it

    Energy and climate scramble the usual left-right political divisions. Many of the big fights are not among parties but among regions and levels of government. In the U.S. Congress, to be sure, the Republicans=obstructionists formula holds with virtually no exceptions save a tiny handful of remaining Senate “moderates.” Republican obstructionists are joined in the House […]

  • Republicans as defenders of the poor

    Last week, the House GOP leadership proposed a budget outline that provides an alternative to President Obama’s. Here’s Citizens for Tax Justice’s [PDF] analysis of how it compares to President Obama’s plan: Over a fourth of taxpayers, mostly low-income families, would pay more in taxes under the House GOP plan than they would under the […]

  • Responding to the “energy tax” attack

    I’ll get more into the specifics of the Waxman/Markey bill in a bit, but first let’s address something lots of people have been asking me about these past few days: how to respond to Republican attacks that Dem energy/climate legislation constitutes an “energy tax” that will cost every American family 178 katrillion dollars every time […]

  • Republicans claim carbon bill impact on families that is off by — no kidding — 98%

    So Republicans have been going around saying that Obama’s cap-and-trade program will cost every American household $3,128 a year. Wait, did I say cap-and-trade program? I mean “light switch tax.” Because you’ll pay a tax every time you turn on your light! Get it?! And so comes the latest wet burp from the rotting corpse […]