Holy organic Scotch, Batman: The Scots have debuted a new, guilt-free whisky cocktail. And guess what — it’s biofuel!

Clean Renewables Ltd, based in Edinburgh, has successfully developed a new biofuel made from whisky waste products. The company was able to nail down the process with $1.6 million in funding from the United Kingdom’s Department of Energy and Climate Change.

The Daily Record explains the distillation process:

The bio-butanol was extracted in a manufacturing process called Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) fermentation for the first time earlier this month.

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ABE fermentation was first developed in the UK a century ago, but died out in competition with the petrochemical industry.

Bio-butanol, unlike other biofuels currently being developed, can be used as a direct replacement for petrol, or as a blend, without the need for engine modification.

Its fermentation process uses the two main by-products of whisky production: pot ale, the liquid from the copper stills, and draff, the spent grains, to create bio-butanol.

This biofuel could help eliminate a massive amount of waste in Scotland: nearly 530 million gallons of pot ale and 750,000 tons of grain.

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To combat production costs, Clean Renewables is entering U.K. Department for Transportation’s contest for biofuel demonstrations. If the company wins, they could receive up to $18.6 million to build a biofuel facility that produces at least 264,000 gallons of biofuel, per year, by 2018.

That’s a big price tag, but Clean Renewables founder Martin Tangney stays confident. Here’s Tangney with The Daily Record:

“We have successfully taken a defunct technology and adapted it to current market conditions, attracting the investment and partners required to scale-up to industrial production and prove that this works at scale.”

Cheers to that.