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111 ways Nate Silver hire Roger Pielke Jr doesn’t like you
Bonus: find out what he thinks about Grist readers (#79)!
Climate-change deniers hitting a wall — but so is the planet
It’s been a tough few weeks for the forces of climate-change denial. But let's not forget how effective they've been over the years.
Winning the climate culture war
More science will not cure climate skeptics and pandering to conservatives can only win battles, not the war. So, what's the right strategy in the climate fight?
It wasn’t just the billboards: How activists brought down the Heartland Institute
Yes, the Heartland Institute shot itself in the foot with its stupid Unabomber billboard. But what really hurt was the anti-Heartland campaign joined by tens of thousands of citizen activists.
The self-inflicted downfall of the Heartland Institute
The Heartland Institute lost a huge chunk of funding and canceled its climate denial conference, thanks to backlash after an offensive billboard campaign and other revelations of the group's extreme views.
Attention, renewable energy supporters: You worship Satan
Do you think there are better ways to get energy than by tearing up the land and sea and endangering all who live there? Well, then you are a Satanist. Focus on the Family's James Dobson just thought you would like to know.
Lord Monckton delights Heartland conference with birther antics
At the Heartland Institute's climate denial conference, special guest Lord Monckton joked about Obama's birth certificate, and the crowd ate it up.
Heartland Institute going broke due to dickish billboard campaign
After a year fraught with hardship, the climate-denialist Heartland Institute is being rapidly abandoned by its friends and supporters, doomed to wind up friendless and alone, wandering the streets clad only in rags, hawking matches to indifferent passers-by. It would be straight-up Dickensian if they weren’t such jerks. But most of this ill will is […]
The Great Billboard War of 2012
Heartland’s crazy billboard featuring crazies was quickly pulled down, but climate groups are fighting fire with fire — or, in this case, billboard with billboard. Forecast the Facts came up with this lovely specimen: But Clear Channel, which apparently controls the billboard system in Chicago, was having none of it, and would not approve it. […]
Grist’s psychotronic climate billboard generator
Can't get enough of Heartland's nutso climate billboards? Neither can we. So we made our own magic billboard with an endless supply of pure truth and homespun wisdom from more notorious killers, tyrants, and psychos. Give it a spin!