Carmageddon: L.A.'s shutting down a major highway to add a carpool lane, which is probably a waste of $1 billion in transit funding.

Say it ain't so, Sandra Lee! The Food Network star spoke to a petroleum industry group and won't say why. Maybe she just wants to use crude oil as an ingredient — it’s not edible, but when has that ever stopped her?

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Napa Valley can totally take climate change: Winegrowers say, "We'll be able to adapt." Bacon panic: Still on.

Even in a town with more organic farms per capita than anywhere else in the world, not everyone can afford the grub.

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Five megawatts in six weeks: Britain's biggest, speediest solar project.

House Republicans are upset that the Obama administration took a risk on funding a solar company.

We're eating too many fish. Do we need to start Fishless Friday? The Pope might not approve.