kallernaAfter can we please go to Cheesecake Factory?

So, a doe and two fawns walk into a department store. No. That is not the setup to yet another amazing joke. It’s reality, people, and it happened at a Kohl’s in Iowa last week, when three deer came in through an automatic door. If you think there is nothing in this world funnier than the idea of three deer jumping back when the door opened and then recovering from their shock and tottering along inside, you are not alone. If it gives you great pleasure to think repeatedly of all the people inside freaking out when they saw deer walking through Kohl’s, well, you are getting some idea of what the last couple days have been like for me.

The fawns didn’t get very far — they were clearly content to cast an eye over ladies’ handbags and hosiery and whatnot. But their mother clearly had plans to shop. She wanted to get like an awesome J.Lo fur vest or some sweet earrings. The amazing thing was they didn’t have to herd them out or anything. They just opened the doors and the deer were like, yeah, that’s OK, we’re going. We like the woods better.

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