In honor of the fourth annual Global Day of Climate Action on Dec. 6 and the global climate talks currently going down in Poznan, Poland, Grist put together a little video to get everyone thinking about how they’re acting to change the climate — for better or for worse.

We’re working with other green orgs around the world, like, Friends of the Earth International and Greenpeace International, who have also posted climate-related videos on YouTube, and, with your help, we’re aiming to launch a climate takeover of YouTube’s Most Commented page this Saturday. That means you and all your BFF’s commenting about climate change as much as you can on Grist’s video here on YouTube, as well as on other similar videos.

To find said green videos and spur this frenzy of climate conversation, check out this video playlist or search for GDA08 on YouTube. And then get in on some of the (climate) action near you.