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  • Slash-and-Burn Budget

    Okay, it’s predictable, but it’s still a bummer: President Bush announced today that he will seek sharp budget cuts in environmental initiatives and dozens of other domestic programs for the upcoming fiscal year. After all, the president’s proposed $379 billion funding bonanza for the Pentagon has to come from somewhere. Bush is calling for reduced […]

  • Charles Stahler, Vegetarian Resource Group

    Charles Stahler is codirector of the Vegetarian Resource Group, an organization that works with businesses, schools, and consumers to provide information about and advocate for vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. Monday, 4 Feb 2002 BALTIMORE, Md. My day always starts off by answering questions. Today, the Vegetarian Resource Group received an email that began, “I am […]

  • All Wet

    For almost a decade, developers have been required by federal law to create 1.78 acres of wetlands for every acre they destroy. Sounds great, but a new study by Washington State’s Department of Ecology found that only about 13 percent of 24 replacement wetlands in the state are successful. Wetlands-protection rules were established to protect […]

  • Salt of the Earth

    Tim Salt, a 27-year veteran of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, has been reassigned from his key post refereeing land-use disputes in the California desert, in a move environmentalists say is a capitulation to miners, ranchers, and off-road vehicle enthusiasts. As manager of the BLM’s 11 million-acre California Desert District, Salt drew the ire […]

  • Asthma: World Turns

    For the first time, researchers have concluded that smog can cause asthma, rather than just aggravate it. In the 10-year study, being published in the British journal Lancet, investigators followed children participating in athletics in 12 Southern California communities. Six of the communities had some of the nation’s poorest air quality, while six enjoyed relatively […]

  • “No Way,” Says Norway

    Long unhappy about pollution from Britain’s Sellafield nuclear power plant, Norway announced yesterday that it would call for a binding international agreement to force polluting countries to pay for toxic cleanups beyond their own borders. The nation’s foreign affairs committee voted unanimously to ask the government to impose economic sanctions on the U.K. until radioactive […]

  • A Good Deed

    The U.S. took a significant step toward acquiring its 57th national park yesterday when the Nature Conservancy announced that it had signed an agreement to purchase historic Baca Ranch, which borders Colorado’s Great Sand Dunes National Monument and Preserve. Conservationists have long lobbied for national park status for the area, which includes the tallest sand […]

  • Generally Stalled Motors

    General Motors Corp. is not doing nearly enough to improve the fuel economy of its vehicles, according to a report released yesterday. That might not seem like news, but the organization that released the report, the Boston-based Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies, has been consulting with GM for almost 10 years and has been praised […]

  • At Least Their Breasts Won’t Catch Fire

    But mothers have something else to worry about. Scientists and environmentalists are calling for a ban on a chemical flame retardant that has been shown to accumulate in breast milk. The chemical, polybrominated diphenyl ether, or PBDE, is commonly used in foam furniture and plastics to reduce risk of fire by up to 45 percent, […]