States take the lead on renewable energy

With the climate for renewable energy rather inhospitable at the federal level, states are taking the initiative. For example, a proposal before the New York Public Service Commission would require utilities to get 25 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2013; if it passes, New York will become the 17th state with renewable portfolio standards requiring utilities to increase their use of wind, solar, geothermal, and/or other eco-friendly energy sources. Polls consistently show high public support for energy conservation and renewable energy; a big hurdle, though, is the vast sums of money power companies spend to lobby against legislation and citizen initiatives. However, despite the pollutocrats’ attempts to thwart clean-energy proposals, many observers believe the blooming of multiple state initiatives makes federal action on renewables inevitable. In related news, a new report partially funded by the U.S. government and conducted by Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute found that the U.S. could potentially wean itself off oil completely by 2050, and save money doing so.