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Past Umbra

  • Ask Umbra knocks off Twinkies organically [VIDEO]

    You’ve heard of knockoff purses, but have you ever heard of knockoff junk food? Michael Pollan’s book Food Rules encourages us to make our own junk food. Yep, eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself. Umbra takes junk food into her own hands and shows how to make […]

  • Umbra’s top ten Climate Week moments

    Harrison Ford’s new earring, origami rainforests, flash mobs, crackdowns, Survivaball-wear, and so much more! Umbra Fisk does NYC’s Climate Week. Don’t miss her 10 Best Moments from the Big Apple’s climatic extravaganza.

  • Umbra on food-waste collection

    Dear Umbra, Are any communities collecting food waste — potato peels, meat scraps, corn husks, etc. — for recycling? Is there a market for such material? Wendy S. Far Hills, N.J. Dearest Wendy, Yes and yes. Multiple communities collect food waste, in a variety of ways. Which is great, considering that food makes up about […]

  • Umbra on unused fireplaces

    Dear Umbra, We have a gas fireplace and a new baby girl, so we have decided to not use the fireplace this winter. What is the best way to keep the cold air from coming in through the fireplace? JeffRochester, N.Y. Dearest Jeff, First of all, congratulations! There are “hearth gates” one can use to […]

  • Umbra on deflecting eco-insults

    Dear Umbra, Whenever I pick up a piece of trash a friend has thrown on the ground, or ask them where their recycling bins are, they call me a dirty tree-hugging hippie. This doesn’t bother me, since I know I shower daily and am happy to admit to hugging trees every so often, but they […]