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Articles by Adam Lowe

Adam I. Lowe is a freelance environmental researcher based in Washington, D.C.

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1.1 billion — the number of people worldwide who lack an adequate and safe supply of water for their daily needs, approximately one in five 5 million — the number of people, mostly children, who die each year from illnesses caused by poor-quality water supplies 5 — the minimum number of gallons of water needed to meet a person’s daily needs, according to the World Health Organization 4.5 — the average number of gallons of water consumed daily per person in Haiti in 1995 24 million — the number of people in Bangladesh estimated to be drinking water from arsenic-tainted shallow wells 50 — the percentage of people in Africa who suffer from water-related diseases such as cholera and infant diarrhea 20 — the percentage of the world’s freshwater supply that is in Canada, which recently banned bulk exports of water $90 billion — estimated annual global investments in public water supplies $4 billion — estimated annual sales of the U.S. bottled water industry 2 — the number of people who stripped naked during the opening ceremonies of the recent World Water Forum, to protest the construction of a dam in Spain

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