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Articles by Amanda Little

Amanda Little is author of Power Trip: The Story of America's Love Affair with Energy. She is a contributor to Bloomberg Businessweek and a writer-in-residence in the English department at Vanderbilt University, where she teaches investigative journalism and creative nonfiction.

All Articles

  • Enviros are split over Lieberman vs. Lamont

    Progressives around the country cheered when Ned Lamont knocked out Sen. Joe Lieberman in Connecticut’s Democratic primary last month, but some enviros held their applause. Joe Lieberman. Photo: Paul Morigi/ WireImage Lieberman — now running as an independent in an effort to hold onto his seat — has, by most accounts, been a standout leader […]

  • Obama leads bipartisan effort to raise fuel-economy standards

    Is the sting of $75-a-barrel oil and the threat of World War III exploding in the Middle East enough to convince Congress to finally boost auto fuel economy? Probably not, but a bipartisan coalition of senators led by Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is launching an admirable new effort anyway — the Fuel Economy Reform Act. Barack […]

  • Al Gore takes his green message to Wal-Mart headquarters

    Picture Al Gore standing in a modest auditorium deep in America’s heartland before an exultant crowd of Wal-Mart employees, comparing their campaign to lighten the company’s environmental footprint to the Allies’ righteous struggle in World War II. This after Rev. Jim Ball, head of the Evangelical Environmental Network, likened the giant retailer’s greening efforts to […]

  • Chemical-safety bill moving oh-so-slowly through Congress

    An attack on one of the many toxic chemical plants in the U.S. could endanger more than a million people. Environmentalists, security experts, and even the Army surgeon general have been raising the alarm about this threat since Sept. 11, 2001, but Congress has yet to do anything about it. Its latest efforts are being […]