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Articles by Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben is Schumann Distinguished Scholar in Environmental Studies at Middlebury College, and a founder of He is a member of Grist’s board of directors.

All Articles

  • Bill McKibben on skunks at Copenhagen’s garden party

    Cross-posted from A demonstration in support of the islands of Tuvalu, the 4th smallest country in the world, which is holding out for a legally-binding treaty in Copenhagen.Photo and caption: Oxfam InternationalCOPENHAGEN — From the distance, you could hear a little noise and rhythmic chanting cutting through the train-station drone that is the normal […]

  • The physics of Copenhagen: Why politics-as-usual may mean the end of civilization

    Cross-posted from TomDispatch. Most political arguments don’t really have a right and a wrong, no matter how passionately they’re argued. They’re about human preferences — for more health care or lower taxes, for a war to secure some particular end or a peace that leaves some danger intact.  On occasion, there are clear-cut moral issues: […]

  • The world needs a dramatic climax in Copenhagen, not a lame dress rehearsal

    “Calm before the storm” is how my colleague Jamie Henn described Copenhagen today. “‘Hopenhagen‘ advertising everywhere, people setting up a outdoor concert venue in downtown, a few anarchist posters wheat-pasted on signs, and I even saw a license plate on a bicycle!” I’m still in the United States, but packing for the trip to […]

  • Mr. President: Time to quit fibbing and spinning

    This essay appeared first on Bill McKibben is chronicling his journey into climate activism with a series of columns leading up to the global climate summit in Copenhagen this December. You can find the others here. And you can put yourself on the cover of MoJo’s special issue on climate change here. Two caveats. […]