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Articles by Brian Hosey

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So it’s Sunday night and I’m browsing through Slashdot, when this Guardian article caught my eye: British to help China build ‘eco-cities’

The eco-cities are intended to be self-sufficient in energy, water and most food products, with the aim of zero emissions of greenhouse gases in transport systems.

Sounds fairly encouraging. Oh, and as is always the case with these type of deals, there is a press release from Arup, the company hired for the job. Check for an Arup office near you!

toolTips('.classtoolTips1','Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and other gases that prevent heat from escaping Earth’s atmosphere. Together, they act as a blanket to keep the planet at a liveable temperature in what is known as the “greenhouse effect.” Too many of these gases, however, can cause excessive warming, disrupting fragile climates and ecosystems.'); ... Read more

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