Articles by Christopher Mims
Christopher Mims's dystopian non-fiction is sought after by an ever-growing roster of publications.
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The Onion’s remarkably smart take on locavores
The locavore movement—in which people eat food produced near their home to reduce their carbon footprint—is getting more and more popular. Here are some ways you can do more to eat locally: Take time to eat more. You'll end up eating more local foods just from increased odds For those of you living in the […]
Bike lanes to displace 9/11 monument, says NY Post
Of course, the libtards at the NY Times don't think this story is fit to print, so once again we must applaud the courage of the NY Post, which has published a bombshell report conclusively linking bike lanes to 9/11. There is little I can add to this excellent Gothamist investigation of the New York […]
Americans are crap at recycling mercury-containing CFLs — here’s how to do better
Update: Turns out the original story on which this post is based is bunk. Check out an update direct from the EPA here: CFLs are not a significant source of mercury, says EPA Every year, Americans recycle only 2 percent of the compact fluorescent light bulbs they toss an unknown proportion of the CFLs they toss. The […]
How America could easily add 6 nuclear reactors’ worth of hydro power
A new analysis by Oakridge National Laboratory (ORNL) says that America could generate 12.6 gigawatts of always-on peak baseload power just by adding electrical generation capacity to existing dams that don't already have it. That's 12 6 (big) nuclear reactors' worth — the average reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi plant produced only 0.78 GW. [Update: Jesse Jenkins […]