Articles by Claire Thompson
Claire Thompson used to be Grist's editorial assistant. After disappearing into the wild for a while, she is now attempting to reenter society.
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Big Sky’s the limit: How to make local food lucrative in Montana
By doubling its local-food purchasing in 2012, Bozeman's Community Food Co-op joins the growing ranks of institutions around the country successfully connecting eaters with local farms.
Friends with benefits: New tool uses Facebook to speed up sharing
Former Sierra Club President Adam Werbach says his new sharing platform, yerdle, will make snagging free stuff as easy as a trip to the store.
Baby, you can drive my car: How car sharing teaches us to be good neighbors
Remember when technology was going to shred our social fabric? Well, here’s an example of how it might be doing just the opposite.
Thought for food: New think tank looks for global solutions to our broken food system
Food Tank, a food-focused think tank, has ambitious plans to become a go-to resource for activists, policymakers, and farmers across the world.