Articles by Clark Williams-Derry
Clark Williams-Derry is research director for the Seattle-based Sightline Institute, a nonprofit sustainability think tank working to promote smart solutions for the Pacific Northwest. He was formerly the webmaster for Grist.
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Tips to save energy
I wish I'd written this: an energy economist's seven-point prescription for using energy more efficiently.
Is wood-framing a green building material?
Talk about "framing" these days, and many people will think about author and linguist George Lakoff, and the post-2004-election brouhaha about how to communicate, or "frame," political ideas.
But apparently, there's much more obscure debate going on about another kind of framing -- the kind of framing that goes into building a house.
It's a bit arcane, really. But the crux of the debate is this: should traditional wood-framing count as a "green" building technique? Or is something else, such as steel or concrete, a more environmentally friendly choice?
It’s driving me mad!
A while back I lamented about how much extra driving my family does, now that our older daughter has started kindergarten. (To recap: the school that my wife and I chose isn't in our neighborhood, and we're driving an extra 75 miles every week as a result. Ugh.)
Just before school started, my main beef was that all that extra driving would increase our family's contribution to climate change. I still think that's right.
But there's perhaps a more immediate impact worth mentioning. I'm spending a lot more time in my car on the typical weekday -- a little over double the time, as a matter of fact.
And at risk of sounding like a whiner: it's really getting to be a drag.
Anti-Kelo measures cover for anti-planning measures
There was an odd little story in USA Today on Sunday, covering the raft of so-called "property rights" initiatives on the November ballot throughout the Western U.S.
I say odd, because it almost completely misses the point.