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Articles by David Goldston

David is the director of government affairs for the Natural Resources Defense Council. In that role, he is responsible for NRDC's overall political strategy, bringing together NRDC's interactions with Congress, the Administration, and, through the NRDC Action Fund, the public. He served as chief of staff of the House Committee on Science from 2001 through 2006, the culmination of more than 20 years on Capitol Hill working primarily on science policy and environmental policy. After leaving Capitol Hill, David was a visiting lecturer at Princeton and Harvard, and a columnist for the journal Nature. He was also the project director for the Bipartisan Policy Center report "Improving the Use of Science in Regulatory Policy." He has served on several panels at the National Academy of Sciences.

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Additional drilling is not a solution to our problems; it is a way to create new ones.Cross-posted from the Natural Resources Defense Council.

This week, the House could vote on three bills to expand offshore oil and gas drilling. It is remarkable enough that the House would take up such measures before Congress has done a thing to make drilling safer. But what is truly astounding about these bills is that they would actually make the system that governs offshore drilling weaker than it was before the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. This is legislation that should give pause even to the most ardent proponents of offshore drilling.

These bills are more than a Big Oil wish list; they are a sort of oil utopia — and they could make sense only in a utopian world in which oil spills could never ever happen, in which there are never conflicts between the oil industry and other economic interests like fishing and tourism, and in which oil companies always take environmental and safety concerns fully into account. It’s as if Rep. Doc Hastings (R-Wash.), the bills’ sponsor, set out to prove how apt it is to talk about the U.S. “addictionR... Read more

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  • The continuing threat of the continuing resolution

    No riders, please.Cross-posted from the Natural Resources Defense Council. The House yesterday passed a bill to keep the government open for an additional two weeks on a bipartisan basis. The most striking feature of that bill was what it was missing — the Republican leadership dropped all of the anti-environmental exemptions from current law (and […]