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Articles by David Roberts

David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.

All Articles

  • The brutal logic of climate change

    The consensus in American politics today is that there’s nothing to be gained from talking about climate change. It’s divisive, the electorate has more pressing concerns, and very little can be accomplished anyway. In response to this evolving consensus, lots of folks in the climate hawk coalition (broadly speaking) have counseled a new approach that […]

  • Friday music blogging: Milo Greene

    I give you the Next Big Thing: a band called Milo Greene. They haven’t even released an album yet — they’ve got a single out and an EP coming soon — but they’re getting buzz all over the place, for good reason. They land squarely in the current indie sweet spot, with the gorgeous four-part […]

  • Yet more evidence that shutting down coal plants will not threaten reliability

    Light bulb: not going off.Photo: Pascal BovetRemember way back, uh, two days ago when I wrote a post arguing that new EPA rules will not threaten electric system reliability? Well, just in the last day or so, more evidence has emerged to support that position. I enjoy being right, so I’m doing a follow-up post. […]

  • Once more, from the top: Shutting down dirty coal plants won’t cause blackouts

    Could Americans soon be forced to suffer through rolling blackouts and power shortages because of a heartless, hapless, tyrannical EPA, as conservatives and dirty utilities are suggesting? The short answer is, no. The long answer is, no. But the long one requires a bit of explanation. A Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) conference on electrical-system […]