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Articles by David Roberts

David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.

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  • Land easements

    A joint Congressional committee has recommended reducing or eliminating tax breaks for conservation easements. The policy details around this stuff are somewhat technical, but it's very big -- and very bad -- news in the world of land trusts, and should be of concern to any enviro. Over at Nature Noted, your one-stop-shopping location for all matters land trust related, Pat Burns is all over it. Start with his January archive and just keep scrolling.

    Update [2005-2-4 12:44:40 by Dave Roberts]:More from Jon Christensen.

  • Speaking of hybrids

    The CEO of Nissan made some disparaging comments about hybrids today. Wonder if he'd see this news:

    Supported by ongoing demand and additional models, combined US sales of hybrids in January 2005 almost doubled from levels in January 2004, rising 98.8% to 8,455 units from 4,252 units the prior year.

  • Fox addresses henhouse

    Can you guess who said this?

    We've talked about Kyoto a lot. That's been out there. It's the big boogie man in the last few years. Kyoto is dead. Kyoto is absolutely dead. It's not going to happen. We're taking steps right now to reverse every piece of paper that EPA has put together where they could call CO2 a pollutant under the Clean Air Act. That's going to be nailed down in the next few months ... Now, having said that, mercury, in my opinion, is very Kyoto-like in its potential impacts. Mercury to me is the issue that scares me the most of the ones that are out there right now.

  • Hybrid slogan

    A while back New American Dream had a contest: come up with a short, punchy slogan to encourage American automakers to make more hybrids. Apparently they got nearly 35,000 submissions and they've narrowed it down to 100 (that's some serious intern grunt work!). If you sign up for an account over there, you can vote on your favorite.

    (Reading these over, I'm wondering how bad the other 34,900 were. Some are okay, but "Do it right! Go Hybrid!"? Me, I'm voting for the current favorite: "Green cars today. Blue skies tomorrow.")