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Articles by David Roberts

David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.

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  • Climate reformists challenge old economic models

    A few weeks ago I wrote about the seemingly different futures foretold by climate science and climate economics. The former is filled with peril and haunted by the unthinkable, the latter blithely assured of continued prosperity. Most economic modeling, you’ll recall, forecasts the continued rise of global gross domestic product (GDP) — people in the […]

  • Friday music blogging: Radiohead

    The new Radiohead album, announced just last week, was abruptly released today, a day earlier than promised. The King of Limbs is available for download in either lossy (MP3) or lossless (WAV) format — which are, interestingly, priced differently. There’s also a lush meatspace package with vinyl, CDs, and art. I’ll be honest, I’ve enjoyed […]

  • The American people really, really support clean energy

    This is from a USA Today/Gallup poll from last month: The same month, House Speaker John Boehner said to the new Congress, “The people voted to end business as usual and today we begin to carry out their instructions.” I’ll be looking for those solar incentives then.

  • Jeff Bingaman retiring; Senate to get even dumber on clean energy

    New Mexico Sen. Jeff BingamanBig news today: Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), chair of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, is retiring. He won’t run for reelection in 2012. All political pundits are required by law to write something about What This Means, so here goes. First, it means Senate Dems are not very optimistic about […]