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Articles by David Roberts

David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.

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  • How a lie enters the political bloodstream

    Pants on fire …I get the Energy IssueWatch Newsletter from Congress rag The Hill. In last Friday’s edition, reporter Ben Geman wrote, “Advocates of limiting emissions say it’s inaccurate to compare EPA rules to cap-and-trade proposals that collapsed on Capitol Hill last year.” This is, I suppose, progress. It’s a “she said” to the “he […]

  • ‘Objective’ political media helps Inhofe lie about EPA

    Photo: Nicco MelesSens. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) and John Barrasso (R- Wyo.) have each introduced bills that would eliminate EPA authority over climate pollution. That represents a legitimate policy position, albeit one I disagree with profoundly. In the process of pushing their bills, however, both Inhofe and Barrasso have claimed that greenhouse gas regulations represent an […]

  • The Clean Energy Standard nightmare scenario

    Nooooooooooo! Not again!It probably won’t come as a surprise to anyone that I’m not particularly sanguine about the politics of the next two years. Here, just for kicks and giggles, is one unpleasant scenario I’ve been contemplating a lot recently. Say the White House seriously tries to push this Clean Energy Standard that Obama proposed […]

  • Friday music blogging: The Decemberists

    I've been a Decemberists fan from way, way back. Little known fact: Colin Meloy, the lead singer, used to live in Missoula, Montana, around the same time I did, playing in an alt-country band called Tarkio. On the band's 2001 debut EP, Five Songs, there's an "Apology Song" about Meloy accidentally allowing a friend's bike to be stolen from in front of the Orange Street Food Farm, where I used to shop!