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Articles by David Roberts

David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.

All Articles

  • A question for James Fallows about coal and focus

    I waded into "Dirty Coal, Clean Future," James Fallows' new cover piece for The Atlantic, prepared to be outraged, what with coal being the enemy of the human race and all. But it turns out to be an incredibly cogent, accessible walk through some extremely vexed issues. Still I can't help wonder why he put the focus on coal's necessity rather than its evil.

  • Watch as I debate energy policy, live on the interwebs!

    Given the 2010 midterm elections, what's next for U.S. climate and energy policy? Yeah, you're right: probably nothing! Nonetheless, that's not going to stop me from debating the issue with Steve Everley of American Solutions. It all goes down tomorrow, Tuesday 08 Nov 2010, at 11 a.m. Pacific (2 p.m. Eastern). You can watch it right here.

  • PBS on Senate dysfunction and filibuster abuse [VIDEO]

    Over the weekend, the PBS show Need to Know ran a fantastic piece on Senate dysfunction, focused in particular on filibuster abuse. It features Sen. Tom Udall, a big supporter of Senate rules reform, and George Packer, who wrote a stellar piece on Senate dysfunction for The New Yorker earlier this year. It's a lot of good info packed in 15 minutes.

  • Friday music blogging: Best Coast

    Best Coast is a Los Angeles indie trio that's gotten all sorts of hype over the last year. After a series of singles, EPs, and videos, their debut LP Crazy For You came out in July. The sound is pretty much a perfect storm of things that are hip these days: low-fi, echoing drone, chiming surf rock guitars, and sugary sweet, lovestruck sha-na-na vocals from frontwoman Bethany Cosentino (every indie kid's latest crush).