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Articles by David Roberts

David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.

All Articles

  • Friday music blogging: Mark Ronson & the Business Intl

    Mark Ronson is the hipster's hipster. He was born of wealthy London socialites, came to renown DJing at downtown New York City hot spots, became a successful producer (he's responsible for Amy Winehouse's debut), released a few acclaimed solo albums, dated a few models, and is now fronting Mark Ronson & the Business Intl, whose debut album Record Collection came out recently. It would be easy to hate a guy with such a charmed life, but he sure knows how to make catchy music.

  • Carbon tax in the U.K.: What does it mean for U.S. debate?

    The U.K. may have just implemented a carbon tax. "Whuuut?" you're asking. Seriously. And it's kind of a funny story.

  • Introducing ‘climate hawks’

    On Monday I asked, "What should we call people who care about climate change and clean energy?" A fantastic discussion ensued, up to 226 comments and counting. I've read all your feedback and given the matter quite a bit of thought. At long last I've settled on something I'm happy with, though of course I'm just Some Blogger and who cares what I think. Without further ado, the winner is ... [drumroll] ...

  • Ignorance, intensity, and climate politics

    The New York Times editorial board had a nice piece this Sunday condemning GOP obscurantism on climate change. It reminds me that I want to double down on my contention that telling the truth about climate change will prove to be good long-term politics for the left.