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Articles by David Roberts

David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.

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  • Obama on the climate bill: “We will get it done”

    Tell it, Obama.Photo: Pete Souze / White HouseA must-read article in The Hill details a classic rift among Senate Democrats: On one side are Democrats who want to use public anger at oil companies to pressure Republicans to support the American Power Act; on the other are “centrists” who want to be nice to Republicans […]

  • Does the Senate climate bill “gut” the Clean Air Act?

    Zombie senators will gut your laws and eat your brains!kzamani via Flickr Creative CommonsDoes the Senate climate bill tie the EPA’s hands? You increasingly hear from progressives that the American Power Act — the energy and climate bill introduced by Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Ct.) — “guts” the Clean Air Act. Some […]

  • Friday music blogging: The New Pornographers

    What can one say about The New Pornographers that hasn’t been said? Nothing, really. They are Canadian. They are beloved by hipster nerds the world over. They are consistently good. And sure enough, their new album Together is rock solid indie pop. I’ve always thought the band works best with Neko Case‘s voice out front. […]

  • Climate bill aside, there are lots of smaller bills that could get us moving

    The Obama administration hasn’t done much to use the BP Gulf oil disaster to push good energy policy. The best we’ve gotten is yesterday’s press conference, where Obama included a pro forma paragraph “calling on” Congress to pass the American Power Act, the climate and clean-energy bill in the Senate. (No threats, no anger, not […]