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Articles by Erik Hoffner

Erik Hoffner works for Orion magazine and is also a freelance photographer and writer. Follow him on Twitter: @erikhoffner.

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  • A Sea Change on film

    Ocean acidification is an issue that may not be on everyone’s lips, but its causes, solutions, and dire impacts if gone unaddressed are the same as climate change. A Sea Change (check the trailer below the fold) is a new documentary on the subject that follows retired educator Sven Huseby on a mission to Norway […]

  • Heirloom tomato debate

    It shouldn’t surprise anyone that George Will keeps repeating his half truths to deny the degraded state of the climate, but what exactly Scientific American was thinking with this article about how heirloom tomatoes are “hardly diverse and are no more “natural” than grocery-store varieties” is a mystery to me. Except that sacred cows make the best hamburger, […]

  • Hot climate? Try on some sizzling shorts

    The makers of the film “Sizzle: A Global Warming Comedy“ (one of whom, Randy Olson, I interviewed for Grist, here) are holding a video contest among students at three universities that hosted screenings of Sizzle last month (Cal State Fullerton, Univ. of Missouri, and SUNY Stony Brook). Their assignment was to make 60 second videos […]

  • Why it will be very hard to save sharks from extinction

    Here’s a video from a restaurant in Hong Kong which illustrates how much trouble the world’s sharks are in. If this woman’s reaction to the kitchen being ‘all out’ of shark fin soup is representative of the expectations of people in just Hong Kong, then sharks are in for a lot more senseless finning in […]