Articles by Greg Hanscom
Greg Hanscom was a senior editor at Grist.
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A pop culture history of the Earth Summit
When world leaders first gathered to talk about saving the planet, Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together” was grooving at the top of the music charts. If only we had it so good today.
Off our chests: What breasts tell us about the state of our world
Breasts are amazing things, says Florence Williams, author of the new book "Breasts: A Natural and Unnatural History" -- but maybe not for the reasons you think they are.
17-year-old tells world leaders to step up, give her a future
Seventeen-year-old Brittany Trilford says it's time for presidents, prime ministers, and corporate bigwigs to stop destroying the planet. Later this month, she may get to deliver her message in person.
What humans hath wrought: What happens when we mess with Mother Nature?
A hole-in-the wall museum in Pittsburgh, run by an oddball art professor, offers a sober -- and sobering -- glimpse of what we’ve done to life as we know it. Good? Bad? You make the call.