Articles by Greg Hanscom
Greg Hanscom was a senior editor at Grist.
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Mexico City’s move: Take this dump and close it!
One of the world's largest dumps won't be belching greenhouse gases any more, thanks to Mexico City's closing of the vast Bordo Poniente Landfill.
Gingrich scraps planned book chapter on climate change
If Newt Gingrich were backpedaling any faster on climate change, he might actually come full circle and turn into Al Gore. But what can the man do? He’s totally damaged his right-wing reputation by believing in science and giving a crap about the future survival of anything. What Republican can run with the hideous heart […]
Slum residents get a giant escalator for Christmas If you had $7 million to use on behalf of the residents of your poorest slums, how would you distribute it? For Medellin, Colombia, that’s a no-brainer: Blow the whole wad on a MONSTER ESCALATOR. Wait, wait! It’s actually a good idea. The giant escalator helps slum residents get to their hillside homes from […]
Nature is trying to reabsorb the exurbs
Great news for folks who have watched the value of their exurban McMansions circling the drain over the past few years: These fringe habitations can be returned to nature to find new life as wildlife habitats. It’s basically the real estate version of composting. Okay, so there's not really an official effort to make subdivisions […]