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  • Tanks for Nothing

    Up to 170,000 sea birds have been killed by a large oil spill off France’s western coast, which began on Dec. 12 when a tanker hired by the oil giant TotalFina spilt in two during stormy weather and sank in the waves, pouring 3 million gallons of oil into the Atlantic. Some of the oil […]

  • Alexander and the Wonderful, Beautiful, No Bad, Very Good Day

    Alexander Nikitin, a retired Russian naval captain, was acquitted last week of treason and espionage charges, which were brought against him after he disclosed information about nuclear safety hazards aboard Russian submarines. The court decision, which came nearly four years after Nikitin was arrested and after a second trial, was hailed as a big victory […]

  • Bye 2K

    Sure, that Butterfly lady, Julia, has decided to come down from her tree after Pacific Lumber agreed to stay its chainsaws for the grove; it looks like the planet really is melting, with scary numbers released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration continuing to get prominent play in the press; and the EPA is […]

  • I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Dioxin-free Packaging

    Earlier this year, ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s began using new packaging made from unbleached, chlorine-free paper produced without generating dioxin. Ben & Jerry’s materials state that the only safe level of exposure to dioxin, which has been associated with cancer risk in some studies, “is no exposure at all.” Now the Competitive Enterprise […]