Articles by Grist staff
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Dead in the Water
Scientists fear that an ecological disaster may be unfolding off the coast of North Carolina, following in the wake of Hurricanes Dennis and Floyd, which dumped some three feet of rain on the eastern third of the state in September. Flooding from the hurricanes washed loads of pollution and organic matter out to sea — […]
God Help Us
A coalition of loggers in Minnesota is pursuing a novel legal strategy to open up national forests for timber cutting, claiming in a lawsuit filed last month that the U.S. Forest Service is foisting the “religion” of the Deep Ecology movement on all Americans by adopting it as a guiding principle for forest management. The […]
A Model Environmentalist
In the top news of the presidential race, ex-supermodel Christie Brinkley has thrown her support behind Al Gore, saying his “leadership on environmental issues has been inspirational.” Also, the Sierra Club today will begin running TV and radio “issue ads” in New Hampshire slamming Texas Gov. George W. Bush (R) for his environmental record. The […]
Brothers Grim
Enviros blasted Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) yesterday for his appointments to a new state Everglades commission, saying the panel is tilted heavily toward farm and development interests. The commission is charged with advising the governor and a task force of state and federal agencies on the planned $7.8 billion restoration of the Everglades. Bush […]