Articles by Grist staff
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Treat Them Whales Right
A proposal to create a sanctuary for southern right whales off the coast of South Africa is stirring up racial and social tensions in the area. Whales migrate to the region every winter and spring from Antarctica to mate and rear their young, and they are easily observable from land in the town of Hermanus. […]
Bonn of Contention
Environment ministers from around the world wrapped up a round of talks on the Kyoto climate change treaty today in Bonn, Germany, pledging to stick to cuts in greenhouse gas emissions agreed upon in 1997, but failing to decide how to achieve the reductions or how to enforce them. Delegates also failed to reach agreement […]
What the Elk?
Grizzly bears are threatened by hunting outfitters operating just outside the boundaries of Yellowstone National Park, say park ranger Bob Jackson and Utah State University ecologist Barrie Gilbert. Many of the outfitters are violating federal law by setting up artificial salt licks, which they use to lure elk outside park boundaries, where they can be […]
Da Enron-run-run Da Enron-run
Enron has abandoned plans to construct a wind farm 60 miles north of Los Angeles that some enviros argued would imperil the endangered California condor. The National Audubon Society vehemently opposed the planned facility, arguing that it could be a “death trap” for the birds, and Enron said that pressure from the group played a […]