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Stuck a Feather in His Cap
Just in time for the Fourth of July weekend, Pres. Clinton today will announce that the feds want to take the bald eagle off the endangered species list. The eagle has made a strong recovery since 1963, when only 417 pairs were found in the 48 contiguous states. Last year, biologists counted some 5,748 pairs, […]
So That Means Everyone Should Drive Semis?
USA Today reports that 46,000 people have died because of a 1970s-era push for greater fuel efficiency that has lead to smaller cars, but the article gives short shrift to environmental benefits of fuel efficiency, such as less air pollution and lower greenhouse-gas emissions. The article reports that corporate average fuel economy standards, which have […]
Black-and-Blue Danube
Environmentalists and Serb opposition politicians claim that the government of Serbian Pres. Slobodan Milosevic is hiding the full extent of environmental damage caused by NATO’s bombing campaign, fearful that it would fuel opposition to Milosevic. Massive amounts of ammonium and ammonium-based substances have leaked into the Danube River, and potentially deadly mudflows containing heavy metals […]
Death-yl Bromide
Latino school kids in California face a higher risk of exposure to deadly pesticides than other kids in the state, according to a civil rights complaint filed Wednesday against California pesticide regulators. The complaint charges that the use of the lethal pesticide methyl bromide is discriminatory because it is applied near schools with primarily Latino […]