Articles by Grist staff
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Will This Little Piggy Go to Market?
Canadian scientists have genetically engineered an eco-friendly pig whose manure may contain 20 to 50 percent less phosphorus than normal pigs, potentially reducing soil and water pollution. The scientists say their “enviropigs” are likely the first animals engineered to help cope with environmental problems. The new pigs could abet pork producers in raising more pigs […]
Pull Over, Corn. May I See Your License?
In a serious setback for genetically modified foods, EU environment ministers today agreed to place tough new labeling and monitoring rules on the foods. The decision means that the EU is unlikely to authorize any new genetically modified crops before 2002. The new proposed measures would require stricter risk assessments before genetically modified products are […]
Doe in the Headlights
Though billions of dollars have been spent on the cleanup of U.S. nuclear weapons sites, the Department of Energy is coming up short in the task because its bureaucracy is not taking advantage of recent technological advances, a committee of the National Research Council said yesterday. Over the past several years, DOE has spent between […]
Insects Is Best
The world might become a buggier place thanks to global warming, presenting farmers with new worries, according to a study published today in Science magazine. Paleobiologists at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History studied fossil evidence of insect damage on plants in prehistoric Wyoming and found that insect population and appetite surged as temperatures […]