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Bank Robbery?
The World Bank overruled U.S. objections yesterday when it approved a loan to China that includes $40 million for resettling 58,000 poor Chinese farmers onto fertile lands historically inhabited by Tibetans. But in an effort to smooth over high tensions, the Bank agreed to delay payment of the $40 million until an independent review board […]
Read My Lips: Yes, No, Maybe
EPA Administrator Carol Browner has decided not to vie for an open Senate seat in her native Florida. Maybe. See what you make of this statement by EPA spokesperson Kim Rubey: “At this point, it’s not something she’s actively looking at. She believes she could win, but there are too many obligations she must meet […]
It's a Drought, It's a Flood … It's Superdisaster
The rising number of natural disasters brought on by climate change is seriously threatening developing countries, and more “superdisasters” are in the works as the world’s poor concentrate in ever more vulnerable places, according to a report released yesterday by the Red Cross. In the past six years, the number of people who needed aid […]
A Lung Time Coming
Nine Latin American cities, which together are home to some 68 million people, yesterday called for a regional alliance to fight smog. The cities’ senior environmental officials signed a declaration acknowledging that half the health problems in their urban areas are attributable to environmental degradation. The declaration also called on local authorities to take serious […]