Articles by Grist staff
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Not-So-Super Fund?
Forty-two cents of every federal dollar spent on the Superfund toxic waste cleanup program goes to toxic cleanups, according to a report released yesterday by the General Accounting Office, while the remaining money is spent on program overhead and administration. Rep. Thomas Bliley (R-Va.) said the report shows that the Superfund program is becoming less […]
Made in Taiwan
A highly controversial load of toxic waste from Taiwan, which caused deaths and rioting while it was temporarily dumped in Cambodia, may find a permanent home in Idaho. A Taiwanese plastics manufacturer hopes to ship the millions of pounds of mercury-contaminated waste through Seattle or Tacoma, Wash., on its way to a plant in Idaho, […]
Hold Your Fire!
Researchers are questioning a practice promoted in recent years of allowing wildfires to burn, saying that it can be highly damaging in certain ecosystems. Two studies published in today’s issue of the journal Science indicate that in the Brazilian rainforest and California brushland, it’s better to fight fires. Up through the 1960s, the feds had […]
Get the Bread Out
Trial lawyers and politicians are hoping to wring a lot of money from the former producers of lead paint as the lawyers prepare a massive legal assault inspired by the recent attacks on tobacco companies. Lead paint — which can lead to lowered IQs, severe learning difficulties, and behavioral problems in children — was banned […]