Articles by Grist staff
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Poor Yeti
Glaciers in the Himalayas are threatened by global warming and most of them could melt within 40 years, perhaps causing catastrophic floods in areas inhabited by millions, according to a report published in today’s issue of New Scientist magazine. The study authors, scientists at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi, say the glaciers in the Himalayas […]
A Monica You Want to Hear About
Leaders of Santa Monica, Calif., declared yesterday that they are fed up with dirty air caused by coal-fired power plants and will power city-owned buildings with electricity generated from geothermal sources. The city is the first in a deregulated market to buy all its power from renewable sources, according to Global Green USA. Santa Monica […]
Eh, B.C., You Get a "D" on Salmon
Salmon runs are rapidly declining in British Columbia mimicking patterns in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, according to speakers yesterday at a fish habitat symposium in Vancouver, B.C. Salmon are suffering as B.C. is being logged, farmed, and urbanized, and as fisheries protection and research remains underfunded. The Canadian and B.C. governments are locked in a […]
Baby, You Can't Drive My Car
Hundreds of miles of roads in British town and city centers are being put off-limits to cars as local authorities make radical changes to transportation policies. Measures are also being put in place to make life more difficult and expensive for drivers in hopes that they will abandon their cars and get around by walking, […]