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  • Step on the Gas, Ford

    Ford Motor Co. Chair Bill Ford Jr. talked up the company’s commitment to the environment yesterday at its annual shareholders meeting. Several stockholders at the meeting charged that the company is not doing enough to curb emissions of greenhouse gases, but their proposal to require the company to disclose its emissions and its lobbying efforts […]

  • Ja, Ja, Let's Get This Finnished

    European Union governments reached agreement yesterday on a common approach for international talks next month on the Kyoto climate change treaty. Sweden, Finland, and the Netherlands had sought to water down the European stance, but they relented and agreed that at least 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions reductions would come from domestic action. The […]

  • L.A.D.P. Green

    The Los Angeles Department of Power and Water, the nation’s largest municipal utility, is leaning green. Today the department is launching a “Green Power” program that will let customers get their energy from solar, wind, and biomass power for a 6 percent rate increase. In return, customers will get price breaks and rebates on energy-efficient […]

  • Spoken Like an Athlete

    Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Bradley, speaking to YMCA volunteers and young people in Manchester, N.H., about the environment: “My approach would be to try to clean up what is polluted and prevent what is not polluted from becoming polluted.”