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  • Gray Prospects for MTBE

    MTBE, a controversial gasoline additive intended to reduce smog, has done little to improve air quality, according to a study released yesterday by the National Research Council. MTBE has been blamed for widespread water contamination, and California Gov. Gray Davis (D) in March ordered the additive to be phased out of gas in the state […]

  • Trying to Buck Riders

    The House and Senate appropriations committees are wrangling over anti-environmental riders attached to a massive spending bill that would fund military action in Kosovo and send hurricane relief to Central America. House Speaker Denny Hastert (R-Ill.) and Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) are insisting that most riders that add significantly to the bill’s projected […]

  • Listen to What the Flower People Say

    New York City is working on a deal to sell 63 parcels of land used for community gardens for $3 million to the Trust for Public Land, an arrangement that would keep the gardens open to citizens. Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) had wanted to sell 114 of New York’s community gardens to the highest bidder […]

  • Sucky Appliances

    European Union energy ministers want to crack down on domestic appliances, sometimes called vampires, that suck energy when in “standby,” or off, mode. The ministers want to halve “standby losses” by 2010 and are pushing for voluntary agreements and labeling to do the job, but warned that if these efforts aren’t successful they would consider […]