Articles by Grist staff
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It's Not Curiosity That's Killing These Cats
A plan to reintroduce the lynx to southwestern Colorado’s San Juan Mountains is running into some grave problems — four of the 13 cats released in February and March have died of starvation and a fifth was recaptured in an emaciated state. The project of the Colorado Division of Wildlife had initially intended to move […]
Handsome Ransom for Ignoble Chernobyl
Ukraine reneged on a pledge last week to shut down the last working nuclear reactor at Chernobyl, saying that the reactor would continue to operate until Western nations cough up $1.2 billion needed to complete two new replacement reactors. Today, on the 13th anniversary of the devastating nuclear accident at Chernobyl, Ukraine is still haunted […]
Old McDonald Had a Fit
Europeans and others around the world are burning and uprooting test plots of genetically altered plants in protests that they call “decontaminations.” More than two dozen influential British consumer groups last month called for a five-year moratorium on genetically altered crops, while everyone from top chefs to McDonald’s in Britain have promised to eliminate the […]
No Coal, No Nukes — No Profits?
Green Mountain Energy — which is racking up both customers and financial losses as it markets no-coal, no-nuclear power — is planning to make a public stock offering. The company has attracted 36,000 customers in Pennsylvania and 21,000 in California, states which have deregulated their electricity markets. In California, virtually all customers who have opted […]