Articles by Holly Richmond
Holly Richmond ( writes and edits things for fun and money. Please follow her on Twitter because that is the entire basis of her self-esteem.
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Swedish pig has one month to get a girlfriend
This pig will be confiscated if he doesn't find a mate. Can some kindly spider please spin him an OKCupid profile?
Your daily aww: Abused donkey wears pants to heal
This donkey got soft, fly-proof pants so his fur can grow back without pesky bites. Your heart will break, I'm warning you.
You’d better get used to glowing neon genetically altered animals
Think you've seen it all? Check out GMFs (genetically modified furries).
Goats are eating and peeing all over J. Edgar Hoover’s grave
Goats are helping out at the Congressional Cemetery, and hopefully not peeing on George Clinton's grave. (Not that one. He's still alive.)