Articles by Jake Schmidt
Jake Schmidt is the international climate policy director at Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). He blogs regularly on international climate change issues and the negotiations on NRDC's Switchboard and tweets at:
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US Airlines Say they are “Green” while fighting Anti-Pollution Efforts
If an airline claims to be “green”, but is actively working to gut carbon pollution standards what would you do? Since that is exactly what America, Continental, and United airlines are doing, major environmental groups sent a letter to the airlines asking them why they are spending their customers’ money on lawyers and lobbyists in […]
Climate legislation advances in 16 major countries
A new study [PDF] released by GLOBE international — a coalition of legislators from around the world — found that “climate change is featuring prominently on the legislative agenda across the 16 major economies.” The study, conducted by the Grantham Institute for Climate Change at the London School of Economics, documents the kinds of actions […]
Congress Passes a Budget That Doesn't Invest Enought in International Efforts to Curb Global Warming
The long drama of whether or not the US Congress would invest in international efforts to curb global warming pollution or gut these investments is finally over – at least for the rest of this fiscal year. Last week President Obama signed into law a budget for the rest of this fiscal year (fiscal year […]
International Action on Global Warming: Where is it headed in 2011?
Coming out of the successful global warming negotiations in Cancun, Mexico this past December a key question is where are things headed now? Three words capture where international action on global warming needs to head: implementation, strengthening, and widespread. On each of these there are important discussions about to occur as countries are meeting in […]