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Articles by James Carlson

James Carlson has been an award-winning journalist with an alternative newsweekly in Orlando and, more recently, with the Topeka Capital-Journal in Kansas for four years. His features have garnered top honors from the Society of Features Journalism and the advocacy group Mental Health America. After moving to Denver a year ago, his reporter's eye was drawn to the SEC investigation of Denver's Wayde McKelvy.

Featured Article

Image: 5280Cross-posted from 5280.

The spring day had been a warm one, but as Taylor Romero walked from his Centennial office across the parking lot to the Embassy Suites, the sun was setting and the air chilled. His employer, Wayde McKelvy, had been holed up in a room at the hotel for days. Romero knew this likely meant one thing — well, two things: booze and hookers. For as long as Romero had known McKelvy, the guy exhibited hedonistic, self-destructive tendencies. Lately, though, he’d been on a Charlie Sheen-like tear. The 46-year-old McKelvy had taken to showing up at work drunk, holding the waist of whichever working girl he’d flown in. He was so blatant that even his wife, the mother of their twin girls, knew about it all. By then, late spring 2009, Donna McKelvy had grown accustomed to her husband and his prostitutes. What she could not abide, however, was the whore du jour banging up the Mercedes-Benz. She’d asked Romero to go to the Embassy and get the keys.

Romero took the elevator up and knocked. The way he remembered it, the door opened, and there, standing on a floor littered with empty Bud Light bottles, was McK... Read more