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Articles by Jess Zimmerman

Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.

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  • Climate change causes monster patch of microscopic plants in the Arctic

    There aren’t supposed to be microscopic plants called phytoplankton blooming in the Arctic right now — usually that doesn’t happen until after the ice melts in the summer, i.e. months from now. But a research team has just discovered a huge, 60-mile-long, three-foot-thick slick of phytoplankton where no phytoplankton should be. It was “like finding […]

  • Possibly the best Humans of New York photo yet

    I’ve mentioned before my abiding love for Humans of New York (HONY), photographer Brandon Stanton’s (entirely unpaid, as far as I know, unless you buy prints) mission to photograph New York’s infinitely visually arresting inhabitants. It’s an amazing love letter to the city, and to humanity in general. Stanton has taken over 3,500 photographs to […]

  • Libya is overrun with locusts

    Libya is maybe not in the most stable political situation right now. And don’t tell Ron Paul, but when the central government is out for the count, maintenance services tend to break down. One of the things that’s fallen by the wayside in this time of political turmoil? Pest control. Which means parts of Libya […]

  • Transit workers stop train to save toy bunny

    Casey Carey-Brown, a Boston woman who blogs about her daughter “Roozle,” has chronicled a harrowing story about childhood trauma narrowly averted by big-hearted transit workers. It concerns Roozle’s toy bunny Nummy, pictured above. (Roozle is the human child, Nummy is the bunny. I just don’t want you getting confused and thinking this was almost way […]