Articles by Jess Zimmerman
Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.
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GOP would rather shut down the government than protect your air and water
Photo: Nathan ColquhounHouse Republicans, who have been spending much of the term so far creating jobs via strict regulation of women’s uteruses, are now doing their damnedest to create jobs via destroying the EPA. The plan is basically “1) thwart progressive ideals; 2) step 2; 3) jobs for everyone!” What if you don’t want a […]
Alternative energy plants aren’t just smart, they’re good-looking
Why is our country so enamored of coal and oil? Well, it sure ain’t for their looks. Unless you’re a near-pathological industrial-porn enthusiast, there’s nothing attractive about an oil refinery or a coal-fired power plant. But alternative energy plants are being designed to be not only better for the environment, but less of an eyesore […]
Yes, we caused Snowpocalypse, says new study
Photo: Bruna CostaWe’re gonna need a bigger boat, preferably one with two of each animal. Studies published in this month’s Nature look at the link between CO2 levels and heavy rains and floods, and find that the increase in intense precipitation over the last 50 years can’t be explained by natural variability. The question of […]
Chevron to Ecuador: What’s ‘apologize’?
A judge in Ecuador has delivered the world’s biggest environmental spanking to pollution giant Chevron, as a judgment for faulty drilling gunking up the country’s rain forests: An Ecuadorian judge on Monday ordered Chevron Corp. to pay $8.6 billion to clean up oil pollution in the country’s rain forest in what is believed to be […]