Articles by Jess Zimmerman
Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.
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Pikas: The cutest animal you may never see again [SLIDESHOW]
Is the pika America's cutest rodent? Think fast about that one, because global warming is herding it towards extinction. We've put together a slideshow, so you can get your fill of their cuddly little faces before it's too late.
'Road trains' can improve fuel efficiency — and driver downtime — by turning cars into conga lines
It's 2011, where's your self-driving car? With "road train" technology, now in development by Volvo, it could be the car you already own. Road trains, or platoons, create semi-autonomous conga lines of cars following one leader vehicle with a professional driver.
Mark Ruffalo's position on fracking deserves a standing O
Photo: Christopher HarteWe got all excited when we heard Mark Ruffalo was getting involved in the debate over the destructive natural-gas extraction process called “fracking.” Turns out that’s because we thought he was Mark Wahlberg. Mark Ruffalo is a serious actor, who was never in any Funky Bunch! We have no jokes about that at […]
Flooded Queensland city may now be living every week like it's Shark Week
Artist’s conception Writing about the Queensland floods, Grist cities editor Sarah Goodyear wrote: “If you were to anthropomorphize the flood, you might say it is taking a perverse pleasure in pointing out just where the shiny, mighty city is weakest.” Little did we expect that it would start finding cities’ weakest points AND PUTTING SHARKS […]