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Articles by Joaquín A. Rosado Lebrón

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Photographs, an old Steri-Tech employee ID, and medical records piece together Henry Morales’ ordeal after he was exposed to ethylene oxide. Morales’ memory of it all still returns in blurry snapshots more than 20 years later.

Henry Morales woke up in the emergency room in Salinas, Puerto Rico, not knowing where he was. A doctor appeared beside him and gestured toward a dark-haired woman with a worried expression. “Do you know who this is?” he asked. Morales blinked, but didn’t answer. Words seemed to belong to some faraway place, and he was too tired to reach for them. “Who is this?” the doctor repeated. After a few minutes, Henry heard himself respond. “That is my wife,” he said.

The memory of what led him to the hospital returned in blurry snapshots that he continues to piece together more than 20 years later. He’d been working a regular shift at Steri-Tech, a company that sterilizes medical devices, where he’d been an operator technician for five years. His job was to move boxes of medical supplies in and out of the sterilization chambers and to check the small vials of biological material placed in each box as a way to verify that it had all been successfully sterilized. In the normal course of Morales’ work, he typically wore a respirator to protect himself from the toxic gas, ethylene oxide, used to steriliz... Read more

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